Vu Nguyen

A Simple ForeachAsync

It’s just the codes from Implementing a simple ForEachAsync, part 2 but I will write it as simple as it should be Code public static class ParallelHelper { public static Task ForEachAsync<...

Azure Develop-Build-Release Life Cycle

Azure provides many tools and services that fully and completely convenience for the software development, from code repository (source control), build, release and hosting application… So in thi...

Azure DevOps - What I Have Done

In this post, I will list out all the questions of all the problems I have met when working with the Azure services. Most of them have been answered but some still haven’t yet. The answers will...

How To Use Git With SSH keys

Use Case In my use case, I have the existing SSH keys in a .ssh directory like this I would like to use them to connect to Git repositories such as Github, BitBucket, or VSTS… using Git tools s...

Azure Data Factory - How to deploy on Azure portal

In the previous blog, we have prepared 3 basic things that enough for Data Factory can work on. Now I will continue with deploying them to Data Factory through Azure portal. Create Data Factory ...

Azure Data Factory - How to deploy by powershell

In this blog, I will introduce how to create an automation script that can deploy the Data Factory’s resources to Azure with one keypress 🆒. So, I will reuse the resources on Data Factory - 3 basic...

Azure Data Factory - Three basic things

(Updated) 2020-05-03 - Data Factory V2 was released, see changes here. Azure Data Factory (DF) is an Azure service helps to copy and transform data from data source to another data source, and...

How to use bulk copy program (bcp) utility in SQL Server?

The bulk copy program utility (bcp) bulk copies data between an instance of Microsoft SQL Server and a data file in a user-specified format… Of course, I don’t rewrite the whole article about bcp ...

Ext.NET - What to get it WRONG? - PART 3 - DirectEvent

DirectEvents DirectEvent is an event will trigger a DirectEvent ajax request to the server. It could be triggered by grid-column-command event, button-click event or from MessageBusDirectEvent Di...

Ext.NET - What to get it WRONG? - PART 2 - Layout

Layout Those are the questions I usually ask or got from my co-workers Why this component doesn’t resize to fit browser’s size? Why this field doesn’t fit to its parent? Why GridPanel does...